Friday, May 6, 2011

YouTube Video Production Business

YouTube Video Production Business Overview

If you like creating videos, and you're familiar with Youtube, then starting a home based YouTube video production business might be a perfect fit for you. This is a home business that works well both online and offline. You can offer your services to the online marketing and business community and to offline businesses as well.

The offline portion of your YouTube video procution business is simple. Approach local businesses who have a shop, storefront or studio setup (you could potentially target work from home business people as well but people with office locations will be easier to start with) and offer to create a Youtube commercial. If you have your own camera or if you need to borrow a camera, this strategy would be very quick and easy to pull off. For a flat fee, you can film, produce, edit and publish their commercial to Youtube and all of the other major video hosting social networks.

Getting Started

Arrange for a camera as mentioned above. Begin making in person cold calls to businesses in your local market. If cold calling is something you're uncomfortable with (like me) then you could advertise in your local paper, distribute flyers or drop off brochures to local commercial establishments. To maximize your efficiency, select an area with a number of different businesses condensed into a very small area.

Enter the business with camera (and possible small tripod if possible/necessary) in hand. Approach the first business person you see and tell them you are a local video marketer. Use an introduction line similar to the following:

“Hello. I am a local video marketer and I help small businesses showcase their business, their staff and their products/ services using video. I am working with a production crew this week to film, edit and produce internet based commercials. If you have 15 minutes or so, I can do a quick shoot right now and have your new commercial up and running before the end of the week. Is that something of interest?”

Use this opening to begin a dialog and eventually pitch your sale. If you have a reasonable price, for example $50 or $100 for full product, they might be very willing to make the impulse purchase. If needed, show them a list of all of the video sites you will promote it to. The list could look something like this:
  • Youtube
  • Google Video
  • Vimeo
  • Viddler
  • DailyMotion
  • Metacafe
  • Yahoo Video
  • Veoh
  • VideoSift
  • etc.
Once you have a sale and footage complete, take your raw footage to fiverr and have an editor put together all of the clips into a nice 1-2 minute video. If you have the ability to do it yourself, you can save the $5 and just use Windows Movie Maker or iMovie on the Mac. Upload the video to all the networks and follow up with the business owner to show them the final product. Have an upsell prepared (for example, Social networking services, web design, etc...).

Even if you don't plan on marketing your YouTube video production business online, it's advisable to still have your own website to display your end product and describe your services. It also looks more professional for a YouTube Video production company to have a web presence of their own. If you've never designed your own website and don't feel you have the skills or the time to do it yourself, you can get one designed very affordably. Just go to elance, or odesk and look through the freelancers ads or place one of your own.

Don't forget to create your own YouTube commercial to promote your own home business. You can then use it to showcase your work and educate your prospects on what you offer, how it will benefit their business, and what they'll get for their money.

For more details on editing your own video, read Wedding Videographer Business. That post goes into much more detail regarding the technical aspects of working with video.


Okay, that's today's home business idea. Stay tuned for another one tomorrow.

P.S. If you have any suggestions or ideas that you think might make a good home business, let me know and I'll see what info I can dig up on it for you.

Until tomorrow,


Sample Marketing Schedule for Internet Marketers

Do you do internet marketing? Even if you sell a product or a service online, internet marketing must be a component of your business plan. Remember, you will not make a sale if consumers do not know you have a product or service available. For that reason, incorporate internet marketing into your to-do list if you haven’t already.

As previously stated, it is important to incorporate internet marketing into your daily to-list. In fact, you will want to do more than that. Internet marketing is such as huge component of selling a product or service online, that you need to devote a lot of time to it. At least once a week, have a day where you do nothing but market or advertise online.

If you aren’t technically classified as an internet marketer, but still need to do the job, you may be looking for guidance. After all, an entire workday is a lot of time to devote to a subject you may be unfamiliar with. This does not mean that you can simply skip internet marketing or give it less attention. It means that you need to develop a daily and detailed schedule.

When creating a daily detailed schedule, start with blocks of time. It is best to start with one hour. During the first hour of your workday, list an internet marketing task or two to complete. For the next hour, move onto a new task. A schedule not only helps you stay focused and on task, but it enables you to devote time to multiple internet marketing tactics, as opposed to focusing solely on one.

So, what should your internet marketing schedule look like for the day?

* 9am to 10am

Write, proofread, and submit one 500-word article to

* 10am to 11am

Visit “sample,” forum to market website. Check signature links before posting.

Create a link on the “advertise your business section,” of forum.

* 11am to 12pm

Design a banner for upcoming link exchanges or paid advertising slots.

* 12pm to 1pm

Ask three webmasters for link or banner exchanges.

Research page rank and popularity of websites. Inquire about advertising rates.

Take a break for lunch.

* 1pm to 3pm

Create keyword optimized content and update website with that content.

* 3pm to 4pm

Send 1 advertisement update on Twitter and search for questions to answer with @replies.

Visit to update page and review links. Update lens with a new paragraph.

Add a blog post. Remember to incorporate a link leading to website.

* 4pm to 5pm

Review internet marketing forums; look for new marketing ideas.

Finish up lose end projects.

Create a to-do list for tomorrow.

The above mentioned sample was just that, a sample. The above mentioned steps are all forms of internet marketing, but there are other approaches available. Incorporate those into your schedule. Your schedule may not be the same as the above, but the layout should be similar.

In addition to trying different internet marketing techniques, your productivity will impact your schedule. If you are a slow typer and proofreader, it may take you more than one hour to write an article and submit it to an article directory. If it does, do not let this get you down. The best way to improve your use of time is with practice. In fact, practice makes perfect.

As you continue to work with your schedule you'll become more adept at allotting the right amount of time for each task, finding new ways to market your home business, and better ways of actually getting things done.

As a home based business owner you have a lot to do and only a finite amount of time to do it in. Schedules and to-do lists really do help you to be more productive, more organized and more profitable.


Until next time,
